Improving Your Business Credit For Future Lending

Your company's credit rating is separate from your own. If you just started your business, you may not even have a credit rating. Getting business loans and a business line of credit may depend on you establishing a credit rating as soon as possible. Check Your Company's Credit Report Similar to your own personal credit score, your credit report can be accessed through a third-party agency such as Experian or Equifax. Read More 

3 Situations In Which Getting A Reverse Mortgage Is Beneficial

A lot of seniors struggle to pay their bills and provide for themselves because they have limited income and have no money in their saving's accounts. The one thing these seniors often have, though, is a house that is paid off. If you have a house that is paid off and need some extra income each month, you could do what many seniors are doing – getting reverse mortgages. Here are three situations in which this is a good idea for a senior. Read More 

Are You An Immigrant With No Credit History? 4 Ways To Qualify For The Auto Loan You Need

Coming to a new country is difficult enough, but when you can't get that loan you need for a new car, it's even tougher. How do you get to work? Must you always rely on public transportation? You aren't disqualified from a car loan forever, just because you have no credit history in your new country. 1. Start With A Credit Card Because you're new to America, you likely have little to no credit history and that's not favorable to most legitimate lenders. Read More 

Are Past Credit Issues Preventing You From Owning A Home? Try An FHA Loan

Obtaining a conventional mortgage to purchase a home is notoriously difficult or even impossible for buyers who have experienced credit issues in the past. Fortunately, prospective homebuyers who find themselves in this situation may still be able to become a homeowner by applying for a Federal Housing Administration (FHA) home loan. If you have blemished credit and would like to buy a home, this information may be what you need to succeed. Read More 

Three Common Types Of Bail Bonds

If you have a loved one who has found themselves behind bars, they may be entitled to bail. This allows them to be released from jail while they wait for the outcome of their trial. However, what you may not realize is that there are different types of bail bonds. Here are the three most common types of bail bonds and the situations in which each one is used.  Personal Recognizance Bond Read More